Public Member Functions | Private Attributes | Friends

cl::device Class Reference

This class represents the information about a specific OpenCL device. More...

#include <clinfo.hpp>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 device (cl_device_id device_id)
 device (const device &device)
deviceoperator= (const device &device)
 ~device ()
cl_device_id device_id () const
cl_device_type device_type () const
cl_uint vendor_id () const
cl_uint max_compute_units () const
cl_uint max_work_item_dimensions () const
const ::size_t * max_work_item_sizes () const
::size_t max_work_group_size () const
cl_uint preferred_vector_width_char () const
cl_uint preferred_vector_width_short () const
cl_uint preferred_vector_width_int () const
cl_uint preferred_vector_width_long () const
cl_uint preferred_vector_width_float () const
cl_uint preferred_vector_width_double () const
cl_uint max_clock_frequency () const
cl_uint address_bits () const
cl_ulong max_mem_alloc_size () const
cl_bool image_support () const
cl_uint max_read_image_args () const
cl_uint max_write_image_args () const
::size_t image2d_max_width () const
::size_t image2d_max_height () const
::size_t image3d_max_width () const
::size_t image3d_max_height () const
::size_t image3d_max_depth () const
cl_uint max_samplers () const
::size_t max_parameter_size () const
cl_uint mem_base_addr_align () const
cl_uint min_data_type_align_size () const
cl_device_fp_config single_fp_config () const
cl_device_mem_cache_type global_mem_cache_type () const
cl_uint global_mem_cacheline_size () const
cl_ulong global_mem_cache_size () const
cl_ulong global_mem_size () const
cl_ulong max_constant_buffer_size () const
cl_uint max_constant_args () const
cl_device_local_mem_type local_mem_type () const
cl_ulong local_mem_size () const
cl_bool error_correction_support () const
::size_t profiling_timer_resolution () const
cl_bool endian_little () const
cl_bool available () const
cl_bool compiler_available () const
cl_device_exec_capabilities execution_capabilities () const
cl_command_queue_properties queue_properties () const
cl_platform_id platform_id () const
const std::string & name () const
const std::string & vendor () const
const std::string & driver_version () const
const std::string & profile () const
const std::string & device_version () const
const std::string & extensions () const
bool extension_supported (const std::string &extension_name) const
 Checks if an extension is supported.

Private Attributes

cl_device_id device_id_
cl_device_type device_type_
cl_uint vendor_id_
cl_uint max_compute_units_
cl_uint max_work_item_dimensions_
boost::scoped_array< ::size_t > max_work_item_sizes_
::size_t max_work_group_size_
cl_uint preferred_vector_width_char_
cl_uint preferred_vector_width_short_
cl_uint preferred_vector_width_int_
cl_uint preferred_vector_width_long_
cl_uint preferred_vector_width_float_
cl_uint preferred_vector_width_double_
cl_uint max_clock_frequency_
cl_uint address_bits_
cl_ulong max_mem_alloc_size_
cl_bool image_support_
cl_uint max_read_image_args_
cl_uint max_write_image_args_
::size_t image2d_max_width_
::size_t image2d_max_height_
::size_t image3d_max_width_
::size_t image3d_max_height_
::size_t image3d_max_depth_
cl_uint max_samplers_
::size_t max_parameter_size_
cl_uint mem_base_addr_align_
cl_uint min_data_type_align_size_
cl_device_fp_config single_fp_config_
cl_device_mem_cache_type global_mem_cache_type_
cl_uint global_mem_cacheline_size_
cl_ulong global_mem_cache_size_
cl_ulong global_mem_size_
cl_ulong max_constant_buffer_size_
cl_uint max_constant_args_
cl_device_local_mem_type local_mem_type_
cl_ulong local_mem_size_
cl_bool error_correction_support_
::size_t profiling_timer_resolution_
cl_bool endian_little_
cl_bool available_
cl_bool compiler_available_
cl_device_exec_capabilities execution_capabilities_
cl_command_queue_properties queue_properties_
cl_platform_id platform_id_
std::string name_
std::string vendor_
std::string driver_version_
std::string profile_
std::string device_version_
std::string extensions_


class platform

Detailed Description

This class represents the information about a specific OpenCL device.

It contains all information as provided by the driver and can be used to dynamically tune software for optimal performance on this specific device.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

cl::device::device ( cl_device_id  device_id )


device_ida valid OpenCL device ID

Retrieves all available information on the given device

Member Function Documentation

bool cl::device::extension_supported ( const std::string &  extension_name ) const

Checks if an extension is supported.

extension_namethe name of the extension
true if the extension is supported, false otherwise

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